Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Little Busters (Season 1) - Review

The original five Little Busters (Image taken from: imgur.com)
Alright, this morning I caught up with Little Busters as I finished the second season and started onward into the second, which I'm currently on episode two of. The first series follows the high school life of the Little Busters led by Kyousuke (center) and how they train to be a baseball team after finding memebers while also facing general life hardships along the way. Riki (second from right to left) plays the role of recruiter for most of the series and also is the most kind of the male characters and as such assists the newly recruited members with solving their dilemmas as they come. Past that, the Little Busters laugh and have fun together, like any group of friends as well as practicing baseball as a team as Kyousuke had suggested at the beginning of the series.

Little Busters with all recruited members (Image taken from: fanpop.com)
I personally felt the Little Busters was good yet rather common in genre. School life/slice of life animes are one of the several genres that I really go for because of it's sense of reality while also having a bit of story that is a bit too far-fetched to happen in reality. Little Busters did that well, but nothing really stuck out as 'better' than any other anime of similar genre that I have watched. If anything, the different characters were great as it changed personalities a bit and gave me a bit more options of characters to thoroughly enjoy, but storyline-wise, it is different from, yet oh-so-similar to others of the slice of life/school life genre. Still, I found this first season very enjoyable and I look forward to the second season keeping up the quality standard the first season set.

The Little Busters [along with 3 other side characters] (Image taken from: wallpoper.com)
Ruri's Rating: 8.5/10

Suggestions: Angel Beats, The World God Only Knows, Lucky Star

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