Friday, October 18, 2013

I Am Alive

Alright, sooooooo here's a very brief post saying I'm alive (barely) and well. I've survived a week with children at their camp thing and to be honest, it wasn't so bad. Anyways, today's going to be a brief post about this random sixth grade girl I met that liked anime. It's very brief as we didn't get a chance to hold a conversation for very long. Anyways, this girl said her favorite anime was either Elfen Lied or Baka to Test. She also included that she believed the Baka to Test was utterly hilarious and packed with laugh-worthy moments. As I agree for the most part, I'd like to recommend those two animes to everyone. I will eventually get to a review for Baka to Test, but I'm not sure about Elfen Lied. As for now, I am utterly exhausted from my long week at camp, so I'm going to select three random anime pictures from my files to share with y'all then probably head to my bed for a nap. Anywho, without further ado, here's a couple random pictures:

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