Sunday, October 13, 2013

Angel Beats - Review

Fanart of the Afterlife Battlefront (Image taken from:
Angel Beats is another rather feelsy anime I've watched. Honestly, this is the only anime I can really compare to the levels of feels of Clannad After Story, and even then, Clannad After Story is just too dang sad to truly compare the two. Anyways, Angel Beats is about a group of people of various ages, most being teens-young adults, that are in a world between the real world and the afterlife as they had something happen that they regret in the real world so they weren't able to pass on to the afterlife. The main group that's focused on in the anime is the ever name-changing Afterlife Battlefront, who fight the 'god' of their world, Angel. By the end of the series they come to terms with their lives and pass on, but the endings are extremely emotional, or at least to me.

Yurippe (Image taken from:
As I said above, Angel Beats is really feelsy. I personally found this series better than Clannad because of the meshed action, comedy, and emotional themes. Romance wasn't too heavily included, but it was included at the right points. I also cried when watching this anime the first time, at episode 10 and the ending. I remember episode 10 specifically because it involved my second favorite character of the series, Yui. I don't really know what else to say other than Angel Beats was funny at the right moments, action-packed in others, and dramatic to fill the rest. As a combination, a great anime was formed.

Tachibana Kanade [aka Angel] (Image taken from:

Ruri's Rating: 9/10

Suggestions: Clannad series, Guilty Crown, Sword Art Online, Puella Magi Madoka Magica

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