Sunday, October 6, 2013

Ano Natsu de Matteru (Waiting in the Summer) - Review

Takatsuki Ichika from AnoNatsu (Image taken from:
Okay, as I had said a few posts back, random reviews will gradually leak in, this marks the first review I haven't rewatched lately but am too lazy to rewatch at the time being. In all actuality, it's more that I'm busy catching up with animes having sequels this season than anything, but that's a different point. Anyways, AnoNatsu is about this alien girl, Ichika, who crash lands in Japan over Kirishima Kaito. Kaito of course forgets the incident for a while only to have it come back later. Ichika lives amongst Kaito and his peers as if she were just another human until late in the series when the intergalactic secuity authorities (forgetting what they were actually called) come to Earth looking to take Ichika back into space. In the time Ichika was on Earth, her and Kaito along with other friends made a movie together which they eventually show toward the end of the show.

Kaito and Ichika (Image taken from:
In my opinion, AnoNatsu was a very solid anime in all aspects. While the alien coming in and eventually falling for an 'earthling' type of storyline is rather common, AnoNatsu still caught my interest. The anime seemed to have the perfect balance of comic relief and dramatic, emotional scenes to fit my general tastes in anime, thus I found this to be a fairly top notch anime. The main downside I'd hold on AnoNatsu is it's story, not because it's bad, but the general genre is common, or so it has seemed lately.

The main characters of AnoNatsu [From left to right: Mio, Tetsurou, Kanna, Kaito, Ichika, and Remon] (Image taken from:
Ruri's Rating: 8.5/10

Suggestions: AnoHana, Sakurasou, Kokoro Connect, Hyouka

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