Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Little Busters (Season 1) - Review

The original five Little Busters (Image taken from: imgur.com)
Alright, this morning I caught up with Little Busters as I finished the second season and started onward into the second, which I'm currently on episode two of. The first series follows the high school life of the Little Busters led by Kyousuke (center) and how they train to be a baseball team after finding memebers while also facing general life hardships along the way. Riki (second from right to left) plays the role of recruiter for most of the series and also is the most kind of the male characters and as such assists the newly recruited members with solving their dilemmas as they come. Past that, the Little Busters laugh and have fun together, like any group of friends as well as practicing baseball as a team as Kyousuke had suggested at the beginning of the series.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Btooom! - Review

The main characters on the island in Btooom! (Image taken from: animereviews.co)
Here's my Btooom! review finally. I've put this down as a recommendation a couple times yet didn't have a review to tell you guys what it is, so here it is. Btooom! is a bit of a demented series in a sense. In the series a lazy adult guy whom lives with his parents still is obsessed with a strategic explosives player versus player game called Btoom. The twisted part comes in  the form of the creators of the video game creating a real setting for this game on a deserted island. Of course, the main guy gets sent to said island and meets his in-game wife, Himiko, on the island. The goal of the real-life Btooom is to get a total of seven chips, which are lodged in the participants hands and used as radar like in game. The problem is that the chip cannot be removed unless the person's heart stops or the limb is removed, thus the characters are set in a death game in order to try and escape the hell that they were forced into experiencing.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Fate Series - Review

The three main characters of Fate/Zero: Saber, Kiritsugu Emiya, and Irisviel von Einzbern (Image taken from: fanpop.com)
Alright, the Fate series was an utterly fantastic series in my opinion. The order or publications in comparison to the storyline order is probably the only negative I truly saw. Fate/Stay Night was put out first, but the two Fate/Zero seasons are prequels to Fate/Stay Night. Despite the reverse order, I watched Fate/Stay Night, and honestly it didn't really spoil Fate/Zero but rather assisted in understanding what was going on sooner. Anyways, the entire series focuses upon a Holy Grail War amongst mages whom have summoned partners (like Saber) whom represent heroes from history and are fighting each other for the Holy Grail, which is believed to be an all-powerful wish granter for the winner of the War. Of course there's a catch, and twists in the plot and whatnot, but that's the gist of the storyline, mages with powerful summoned partners fighting for a wish granting object.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Baka to Test - Review

The main characters of class F (Image taken from: deviantart.net)
As promised, I have a review for Baka to Test today. Baka to Test is very much a comedic anime with a little mix of romance, but very, very heavily lies on its comedy. The anime is about a school that separates classes by their grade level according to a test they give out. For example, all the A students are in class A, B students in class B, and so on. The story primarily follows class F and their struggles to try and work their way up in the class ladder. Each and every student at the school has a summoned being that can fight for them. As such, the way classes could move up the class ladder was by challenging and defeating the class above them. If the lower class wins, then they move up to the upper classroom while the loser moves down to the winner's former classroom. Each classroom has from high grade (class A) to low grade (class F) equipment for a classroom in general, thus, the higher one moved, the more advantage they had in their studies or just more comfort being in their classroom.

Friday, October 18, 2013

I Am Alive

Alright, sooooooo here's a very brief post saying I'm alive (barely) and well. I've survived a week with children at their camp thing and to be honest, it wasn't so bad. Anyways, today's going to be a brief post about this random sixth grade girl I met that liked anime. It's very brief as we didn't get a chance to hold a conversation for very long. Anyways, this girl said her favorite anime was either Elfen Lied or Baka to Test. She also included that she believed the Baka to Test was utterly hilarious and packed with laugh-worthy moments. As I agree for the most part, I'd like to recommend those two animes to everyone. I will eventually get to a review for Baka to Test, but I'm not sure about Elfen Lied. As for now, I am utterly exhausted from my long week at camp, so I'm going to select three random anime pictures from my files to share with y'all then probably head to my bed for a nap. Anywho, without further ado, here's a couple random pictures:

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Quick Life Update From The Blogger

Alright so, tomorrow I'm leaving to be a counselor at elementary school science camp, so posts won't be coming all week... so don't expect any. Just figured I'd leave this here so everyone knows, bye bye for now!~

Angel Beats - Review

Fanart of the Afterlife Battlefront (Image taken from: fanpop.com)
Angel Beats is another rather feelsy anime I've watched. Honestly, this is the only anime I can really compare to the levels of feels of Clannad After Story, and even then, Clannad After Story is just too dang sad to truly compare the two. Anyways, Angel Beats is about a group of people of various ages, most being teens-young adults, that are in a world between the real world and the afterlife as they had something happen that they regret in the real world so they weren't able to pass on to the afterlife. The main group that's focused on in the anime is the ever name-changing Afterlife Battlefront, who fight the 'god' of their world, Angel. By the end of the series they come to terms with their lives and pass on, but the endings are extremely emotional, or at least to me.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Toradora! - Review

Aisaka Taiga and Takasu Ryuuji (Image taken from: anime-planet.com)
Alright, so, finally getting around to one of my absolute tops (though I don't really number them off...). Toradora is a school romance-comedy series following Ryuuji and Taiga as the main two with Ryuuji's friend, Kitamura Yuusaku, and Taiga's friend, Kushieda Minori as the two main-minor characters. A couple episodes in, another main-minor character comes in the form of Kawashima Ami. Anyways, when the series starts Ryuuji likes Minori and Taiga likes Yuusaku, so after Ryuuji accidently takes Taiga's bag home instead of his own, he finds out about Taiga's feelings, which he tries to even the ground by showing Taiga that he feels the same about a girl as she did for Kitamura, which Taiga finds out his feelings are for Minori. From there the two become friends primarily to help each other in getting closer to who they had had feelings for, but as most humans know, feelings can change over time. Naturally, drama ensues as Ryuuji doesn't know what to do, Taiga doesn't know what to do, and neither does Ami or Minori, so it just ends up being a confusing cluster for a bit that eventually works out by the end of the anime.

Clannad/Clannad After Story - Review

(Image taken from: anime-planet.com)
Since this is the most feelsy anime I've ever watched, I've decided to just write this review rather than suffering through a rewatch. The Clannad series is a dramaful anime following none other than the drama club of a high school. The second series is dominantly after the main heroines graduated,which then turns more into more of a dramaful romance between Okasaki Tomoya and Furukawa Nagisa. Of course there are comic relief characters to ease tensions as they come, but most of the focus is upon the romantics, what affects each person including not only Tomoya and Nagisa, but also their friends from high school: Kyou, Ryou, Tomoyo, and Youhei. While they help each other out from time to time, every hardship is a little different, thus different situations lead to different results in terms of the storyline.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Voice Actor/Actress Appreciation Post #3

So, today I decided to get back to appreciating the real people behind the fictional characters. Today's VA, and my personal favorite, is Kugimiya Rie. Rie has played several of my favorite characters including Aisaka Taiga from Toradora, Shana from Shakugan no Shana, and Nagi from Hayate no Gotoku. Between those three characters and Louise and Lotte from Zero no Tsukaima and Lotte no Omocha, respectively. Between those roles, Kugimiya rightfully earns the title of tsundere princess, at least from my standpoint.

(Image taken from: anime-planet.com)

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Brief Fall 2013 Anime Previews #3

Alright guys, so this is the last of my preview posts for episode ones. Yesterday Blazblue-Alter Memory began and today Ore no Nounai came out. As both series are far from my favorite, this may be shorter than anticipated. Anyways, let's get to it.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Accel World - Review

Kuroyukihime and Haruyuki Arita (Image taken from: anime-planet.com)
Since I'm already tired tonight, this summary will be more to the point. Accel World takes place in a universe in which everyone has this necklace-computer thing and is on an online network at all times. Basically Kuroyukihime, the school's idol, and Haruyuki meet and Kuroyukihime suddenly takes an interest in this short pudgy boy, Haruyuki. Not too far into the series, Kuroyukihime transfers a program called Brain Burst to Haruyuki, which is later discovered as a fighting game between people with the program in addition to access to the 'Accelerated World' which lets someone slow and start time at will at the expense of their points within the Brain Burst fighting bracket. Essentially, if one player runs out of points, the program is automatically uninstalled and that person can never reinstall it.

Brief Look into Animes That Started As Of Sunday

So, as of today, two more animes have been added to this season's watching list. If I also count Sunday, I have three more to talk about. The three animes are Walkure Romanze, Non Non Biyori, and Unbreakable Machine Doll. Each series has only had one episode each, so this isn't much more than speculation. As my post title suggests, this will be a bit more brief than my prior preview post. Anyways, let's get right to it.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Ano Natsu de Matteru (Waiting in the Summer) - Review

Takatsuki Ichika from AnoNatsu (Image taken from: anime-planet.com)
Okay, as I had said a few posts back, random reviews will gradually leak in, this marks the first review I haven't rewatched lately but am too lazy to rewatch at the time being. In all actuality, it's more that I'm busy catching up with animes having sequels this season than anything, but that's a different point. Anyways, AnoNatsu is about this alien girl, Ichika, who crash lands in Japan over Kirishima Kaito. Kaito of course forgets the incident for a while only to have it come back later. Ichika lives amongst Kaito and his peers as if she were just another human until late in the series when the intergalactic secuity authorities (forgetting what they were actually called) come to Earth looking to take Ichika back into space. In the time Ichika was on Earth, her and Kaito along with other friends made a movie together which they eventually show toward the end of the show.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Brief Look Into Animes This Season (Thus Far)

Alright, so, this Fall 2013 season is packed with animes I'm planning to follow while they air in Japan. Thus far, three series I'm following have started: Outbreak Company, Golden Time, and Log Horizon. All three animes seem to have promise in their own way, but I'll briefly break down each.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Kokoro Connect - Review

The members of the Cultural Research Club [From left to right: Aoki, Yui, Taichi, Inaba, and Iori] (Image taken from: picky wallpapers.com)
Okay so, yesterday I completed my rewatch of all 17 Kokoro Connect episode and let me just say the series wasn't as good as I remember in the first half-ish, but it was much better in the second half. Kokoro Connect is about the five students above struggling against supernatural phenomenon caused by Heartseed. Some of the cases include: switching personalities (one's soul would exchange with another's and live in each other's bodies for some time) and emotion transmission, which basically made any of their thoughts possible to be transmitted to one or multiple other club members, regardless of distance/what the person actually says. Through those difficulties the club members face so much stress both between them and just amongst society as a whole. In each case, someone breaks down in some way, but eventually the members patch up the damage and return to be happy peers again.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Voice Actor/Actress Appreciation Post #2

I know it's kind of boring for me to do the same post on consecutive days... but it's just how I feel today. As for today's VA, I'd like to highlight Horie Yui. Horie Yui voiced several characters I really liked in their respective series, a few include: Kotori from the first two Da Capo seasons, Minori from Toradora, Eri from School Rumble, Ryuunosuke and his program, Maid-chan, from Sakurasou, and Akane from Yuru Yuri. Today I'd like to highlight her characters in Toradora, School Rumble, and Sakurasou.

Horie Yui (Image taken from: last.fm)

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Voice Actor/Actress Appreciation Post #1

Okay, so today I decided to do something brief, but something new. Today I have chosen a voice actress to spotlight for their achievements and what I like about them/their respective character(s) that I know of. Anywho, without further ado, the first VA I chose to highlight is Kayano Ai.

Kayano Ai (Image taken from: myanimelist.net)

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Lucky Star - Review

The four main girls of Lucky Star [From left to right: Konata, Kagami, Miyuki, and Tsukasa] (Image taken from: photobucket.com)
Lucky Star was the first real slice of life/comedy hybrid anime I watched. The anime follows the daily life of the four girls above and any other peers they interact with. While it isn't jumping with action or utterly dramatic, the anime has several funny moments. The storyline (if there really is one) is quite vague in the sense that one episode may have no real lead into the next and so on and so forth. As such, the episodes often are just a daily look at the lives of four high school girl characters, what they go through, what they laugh about, what they talk about in general, and how they get along all around.